[Bug] appendData动态添加实时数据出现只显示新数据历史数据消失的问题 · Issue #18076 · apache/echarts · GitHub 您所在的位置:网站首页 echarts appendData [Bug] appendData动态添加实时数据出现只显示新数据历史数据消失的问题 · Issue #18076 · apache/echarts · GitHub

[Bug] appendData动态添加实时数据出现只显示新数据历史数据消失的问题 · Issue #18076 · apache/echarts · GitHub

2023-03-10 16:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



[Bug] AppendData dynamically adds real-time data, only new data is displayed, and historical data disappears




Link to Minimal Reproduction

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Steps to Reproduce

Plot.txt This is a Vue component, I will call receive_data function to tempData and tempData1 if new data arrives in this component, call appendData every 4 seconds to refresh the data, in order to refresh the data periodically, and empty tempData and tempData1 at the same time, the amount of data is about ten points per second

Current Behavior

At 0-200 seconds, the curve (because the scatter points continue to form a dense curve, it is called a curve) can be refreshed normally, and the scatter data is quantitatively increased every four seconds, and the swallowing point phenomenon begins to occur after about 300 seconds, only the new data will be plotted, and the previous data disappears. However, it is normal to debug the data in series.data in the browser, and the tooltip of the corresponding position data will also appear, that is, there is no curve graph; after about 600 seconds, the chart refresh becomes normal again, and the data that disappeared before also appears, and the timing increase data is normal.

Expected Behavior

The scatter plot is increased regularly, and the timing is refreshed normally, without swallowing historical data

Environment - OS: - Browser: - Framework: Any additional comments?

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